Pizza at the Park Update…

Thanks SO much to those of you who came out to serve on Sunday! It was a beautiful day and fun to see God move in exciting, new ways as we gathered together at the park :)

It was awesome being able to invite more people to join us as they were walking by and allowed us to meet a lot of new people! Many of them repeatedly asked if they needed to pay anything for the pizza, and it was sweet to see the impact of being given something without needing to give something in return. Our prayer is that God would use this small act to give people a glimpse of HIS unconditional love, and that His light would shine through us with each new person we meet.

This week, we also had the opportunity to meet a new friend. She asked for prayer for physical and emotional healing and wow did God show up! Not only did she feel relief from her physical pain after praying with her, but afterwards, she eagerly asked if we had a bible she could take home :) What a gift it was to see someone so eager to receive more of Him and not just the physical healing He can provide!

God continues to move in mighty ways each time we gather and we would for you to join us to be a part of it! We hope to see you THIS SUNDAY at 2:00 for our next Pizza at the Park! 

For His glory,

Jaclyn and the Illuminate Hope team!


December Update…


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