New Beginnings

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

Our hearts are still overflowing with JOY after our last  gathering! We were able to gather in the sunny park with the largest attendance we've seen yet! We gauge attendance based on how much pizza we have left (ha!) and we were left with almost NO extra pizza at the end!! We started our time together with a wild (and a bit spontaneous!) Easter Egg hunt and then gathered to continue our study of John while the kids had an engaging conversation about God's goodness.

At the conclusion of the gathering, we all paraded from Duncan park to our backyard where we sardined the most people we've ever had at a single time into our cube of grass and cement!  It was a blur of bubbles, chalk, music, conversations and giggles - the perfect backdrop for a celebration of new life. New and old friends and family gathered as our daughter Amelia made the proud declaration to follow Jesus, claiming Him as her personal Lord and Savior.  Witnessing two of our daughters take this step has been almost more than our hearts can handle.  God is expanding His kingdom before our very own eyes and it is SO much fun to watch! Keep ILLUMINATING, Jesus!!!

"But everything exposed by the light becomes visible - and everything that is illuminated becomes a light." Eph. 5:13

LIGHT overcomes darkness. Always. Praying your hearts can rest in that powerful truth as you celebrate Jesus' victory over death. Have a wonderful Easter! He is Risen!!

So grateful for our Jesus,

Joelle (and the incredible IH Team)

"He's in the leading, that's why I follow where He goes...He's in restoring, all the lost and broken souls...He keeps moving rich in mercy, He meets us where we are...No matter where you've gone, no such thing as 'gone too far'...I'm gonna live the way He says to live...Do what He says to do...You can choose whatever road you choose...But I'm gonna love the way He says to love...Trust the way He says to trust...This world alone will never be enough...So I'm gonna walk with Jesus...I'm gonna walk, I'm gonna walk...I'm gonna walk with Jesus..."   

-"Walk with Jesus" by Consumed by Fire


Chocolate Milk


Following Jesus…